Friday, June 25, 2010

Grabbing at straws

Serrating my fingers
Leaving them cut open
And raw, red,
Skin peeling off.
The strings of despair
Threats of chances slipping
Gripping harder
In a pathetic effort
To retrieve,
Bring back
The Perpetual Yesterday
Of yellow suns
and light.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Crumble Pie

Life crumbles
Very slowly around you
A gradual process
It transforms from
Unfairly perfect to
Polluted with pacifying
And the forced smiles
Of civility.
But the will stands resolute.
Because even when
You have none
For in the end our
Is a solo drive,
You have yourself
And you're damn good enough
For yourself.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Natural pessimism?

It must be my natural pessimism, Although I believe very much in optimism and I preach it to all those people who see the glass as being half empty.
Every time I'm on my way home from a REALLY good time, the kind of good time which makes for memories you talk about years later, in conversation starting with " hey you remember that time when we went to...",l I think of how soon, it'll come to an end.

This is life after all. if everything was one, big happy holiday, the point would be lost and I wouldn't even be able to enjoy what i can't have all the time. But life gets so complicating so FAST, it's like a flash of lightning leaving you with this fading feeling of forgotten euphoria, and a burnt ass that you have to deal with.



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