phew! finally on the Blogsphere or whatever the heck it's called. I think I'll dedicate my inaugural post to a number of things. Here goes:
a. new friends.New ideas. New ways to realise what the ef is wrong with you.very supportive.pushes you when required. death threats are delivered and company is offered when you gotta eat lunch alone.
b.love. QUITE complicated BUT life wouldn't be half as fun without it and *heavy corn alert* it does something to you.Quite against your will.
c.Chicken burgers.yummy!
d.Technology. Thank you Thank you GOD for the Internet.
e.Bad jokes. " I'm going to the Loo, coming?".
"No, you go pass Urine, I'll pass". HA HA HA!!
f. Old friends.They know you and they still wanna hang out with you. AND they're willing to help you drag yourself out of whatever muddle you've landed yourself in.if that isn't a miracle...
g. God. yes I know he's there. I don't know about the eternal kingdom or about the fires of damnation but he's there alright. And right now he's giving me the fish eye.
h.Blueberry Philadelphia Cream Cheesecake. I haven't had thee in along time but Oh! how I miss thee!!