Saturday, October 17, 2009

A dia from any other angle...

A Dia (lamp/pahana) from any other angle...

What can I say I love taking pictures of the changing moods of fire :)

Hostel might not allow us to light our fire crackers but at least the dias are pretty :) Shub Diwali!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

In the wee hours of the night...

I'm more often than not playing Barn Buddy on FB, busily trying to harvest my plants before some thieving busy body steals my brinjals. This is what is occupying my time this study holiday/leave/break call it what you will. This AND FiryLand this totally rad application that allows me to grow my own garden in the fairy realm! The name of my garden is the Tipsy Toadstool (*much winking*) and the name of my Purple fairy-who incidentally is a naughty flutterer, dayem!-is Fancy.

Below is Gary the Psycho Snail, created while I should have been studying Language Development of the Neonate- a singularly boring bit in an otherwise veery interesting lesson. Added to the fact that I had to read a xeroxed note that looked like it had been through a World War for all the xeroxed scribblings and other nonsense on it, I was also having "issues". When issues occupy the mind...language development of my future children does not register and time is spent doodling Garys and thinking much, deep thoughts.

Gary the Psycho Snail!


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