Tuesday, September 7, 2010
People so many people!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Cheshire Cat

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Humility is sometimes a hard-learned lesson. Self-importance on the other hand, very easily acquired and easily maintained by delusions of grandeur and vague recollections of passing compliments. But what on Earth allowed you to mould this fascinating, enigmatic, all powerful image of yourself?!
It’s fascinating in itself how you go from a relatively insignificant and homely human being ( Who might even be described as “mousy!) , surprised that anyone might even think they’re attractive, who faces every compliment with a genuine surprise and shy wonder ( ME? Seriously? Oh-k!) , to a definitely better-looking but totally out-of-proportion person who thinks the world is always watching her?
Maybe it’s that fast zoom from nerd to smart, maybe nerdy but still very cool. Maybe be it’s the transition from being relegated to watching the “beautiful” people, only watching, never part of them, to actually kind of a beautiful person. You’re finally in a position in life to be able to look and them and LAUGH, not just stand by and ogle like some bloody waif at a baker’s window.
And soon everything’s about you. Everyone’s worrying about your welfare and everyone’s watching every separate move you make with bated breath. Everything you do academically is a guaranteed success and whatever you write is brilliant. Small failures, glaring mediocrities go ignored-they don’t even make a noticeable dent in the sturdy Ego.
It takes a surprise defeat from an unexpected flank to make you realise that the Universe is not going to wait watching for your very foolish vanities.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Grabbing at straws

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Crumble Pie
Very slowly around you
A gradual process
It transforms from
Unfairly perfect to
Polluted with pacifying
And the forced smiles
Of civility.
But the will stands resolute.
Because even when
You have none
For in the end our
Is a solo drive,
You have yourself
And you're damn good enough
For yourself.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Natural pessimism?

It must be my natural pessimism, Although I believe very much in optimism and I preach it to all those people who see the glass as being half empty.
Every time I'm on my way home from a REALLY good time, the kind of good time which makes for memories you talk about years later, in conversation starting with " hey you remember that time when we went to...",l I think of how soon, it'll come to an end.
This is life after all. if everything was one, big happy holiday, the point would be lost and I wouldn't even be able to enjoy what i can't have all the time. But life gets so complicating so FAST, it's like a flash of lightning leaving you with this fading feeling of forgotten euphoria, and a burnt ass that you have to deal with.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The terrors of insignificance
it's so easy to feel insignificant. You simply allow the carefully constructed Ego and Super Ego to fall away a little, the armour you build up to avoid feeling the true mediocrity of your life.
Friday, April 16, 2010
The Visitor
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Easter Bunny's missing

"What's the big deal, Easter isn't really celebrated that much in Sri Lanka" L said when I said that I wished I was home for Easter. That's true, it's not really that big a deal. In fact we kind of dread the 3-hour masses, the Way of Cross in the hot Colombo sun at (forgive the pun) ungodly hours and the general ritual nature of it all. Most of the time, Malli will end up asking " How long will mas be?" at least 6 times, resulting in everyone being bugged.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
As the stars which glisten
So deceptively close by
As the fat moon which sneers (peers)
From between ghostly branches
As the smile of the young girl
Picking Yellow flowers in a Blue dress
As a dripping ice lolly
In the Summer warm,
The thoughts of you flash by
Like searing lights leaving
Scars of hopeless wants
And a deep yearning
For home.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Smile like you mean it
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sunday, February 7, 2010
How can you be optimistic?

What a question to ask? I like to think of myself as an optimist