Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What is twerking?

Why do we look for answers anywhere else but within ourselves? I often think this when I Google something that I really shouldn't be Googling, mostly existential questions. Of course, Google, and the millions of confused cyberstruck souls that we share the planet with, has the answer. Whatever you want to know, they got the answer to, sometimes with long explanations as to WHY you're feeling the way you are, other times with neat and clean little bulleted lists with steps to take to achieve/get rid of/change whatever it is you're trying to.

I'm thinking it might have to do with how little we think these days. It's always easier to click and share now than to sit down and ruminate over the why's and where's or how's of Life. If you put it out there on the public forums, now, THEN you'll get a response, a Like, a Comment from some smart-alec who's been there and done that. You needn't bother with introspection.

So Google will tell you how to get your life in order, how to concentrate for an exam, why your hair is falling, how to be a better man, ways to pleasure your woman in bed, why you can't get over a broken heart, what to listen to when you're upset, why the sky is blue, who you should really be in life, what career you should be following and why you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing in life.

It's easy and manufactured, and ready-to-go answers are what we all seem to looking for these days. Just seems to take away from the whole point of the thinking man/woman, that's all.

'What is twerking?' -- the most Googled question in America in 2013. She came in like a wreeeecking baaalll, indeed :-/


  1. Well said! Brilliant post.... And I agree completely. The lack of introspection in people is....appalling, to say the least. It seems like these days everyone you meet does not know themselves, let alone what they want....although they BELIEVE otherwise, and act accordingly. The contradiction creating no end of catastrophes.

    The worst part though, possibly, is that this is something that affects the more intellectual spectrum of society. The ones who who google questions like "If I drink milk which has turned sour, will I get a bad stomach?"....them, I'd rather not even think about! :/

  2. It's funny , though, isn't it, that the answers are also by people? :) It's like we've swapped introspection and sound advice for anonymous (and dubious) wisdom :-O

  3. Indeed! Its almost as if people are too lazy to do their own introspection, instead scouring the internet in the hope that someone has done it for them....because, after all, that IS possible! *rolls eyes*



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