Friday, May 4, 2012


People could want to escape from any number of things, I imagine. The nature of life and reality is such that, unless you have reached that higher state of being where you can see The Truth for what it is, you are always faced with people, places, situations, decisions, encounters you want to run away from.

I used to think that taking to the bottle because you're father was an alcoholic was wrong, fundamentally. One must be strong for oneself, one must develop and all that. But what a load of crap. Escape is all we do. We help others , we groom ourselves, we hit the gym, we study harder, we smile brighter, we date the radicals, we drink more, we smoke up a little more, we take up healthy lifestyles, we develop superficially esoteric tastes, we become "better" people. But we're always trying to escape. It's always the escape hatch that we yank open, finding the rusted key somewhere deep in our cowardly, broken souls, bolting through so fast that whatever is behind us pants to catch up.

But it always does. It follows, and it bides its time carefully hiding in our shallow subconscious mind and...POUNCE. 
Then there is, no where at all, to run. 

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